We are born with images that, over time, have been molded onto our biography. We have gotten used to considering the image as something sacred, unreachable, even if continuously nearby, as something not modifiable. Generations before ours revered images, transforming them into symbols, with which they identified. Now that the symbols of yesterday are falling one by one, ready to be substituted by "athletes" and mutant signs, some images from the past are multiplied and modified, taking on new potential. Among these, an image of Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara that, almost as if in a game, is destroyed, looped and placed on different tracks of visual, sound and literary communication. This strange exercise is tied to the experience of a social center on the outskirts of Rome, that in its very name carries a past genetic code that is topical, today more than ever, in the diverse ways it is experienced. The neighborhood is Tor Bella Monaca, the easternmost part of the capital.
photography and editing: Fluid Video Crew
production: Mediateca del Comune di Roma e FVC
running time: 22’
year: 1998
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