Wednesday, August 02, 2006


31 gennaio 2002. Porto di Gallipoli, molo di tramontana. Mentre un anziano pescatore, come ogni giorno, prende il largo con la sua piccola barca, una grande e sconosciuta nave carica di uomini e di donne solca le acque a poche miglia da Gallipoli. Intanto al porto cresce l’attesa.

January 31, 2002. Gallipoli Port, a pier exposed to the northern wind. While an elderly fisherman goes off to sea in his small boat, as he does every day, a large, unknown ship full of men and women floats through the waters a few miles from Gallipoli. In the meantime, the wait builds up back at the port.
production, distribution, photography and editing: Fluid Video Crew
music: Gopher
running time: 6’
year: 2002